What is Common Core?

Common Core infringes on state, local, and parental control, violates student privacy, increases costs to states, forces low quality standards and increased assessments on our children, and presents a potential threat to private schools and homeschoolers.

The Common Core State Standards are a set of English Language Arts and math curriculum standards that were developed by national Washington, DC-based special interest groups.

States were bribed by the federal government into accepting the standards during the competitive application process for the Race to the Top (RTTT) grants that were part of the 2009 stimulus package.

In order to be competitive in the application process, a state had to agree to implement the Common Core standards.  Though these grant applications were due in early 2010, the Common Core standards were not completed and released until June 2010.  This means that state school boards had to decide whether to implement the standards without having seen them.

This also means that appointed bureaucrats made the decision to implement the Common Core standards, without any involvement of the legislative branch of government or any electoral recourse for parents and voters.

Is My State C4L Group Fighting Common Core?

Campaign for Liberty state groups have been fighting Common Core across the country.  We expect active battles for repeal of Common Core in several states.  That’s why we need your help.

So What Can You Do?

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Check out your state Campaign for Liberty page here to see if they are working on this issue. (Be sure to check back often for new battles.)

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If you’d like to assist Campaign for Liberty state efforts, simply click on “contact coordinator” from your state page, or send an email to stateoperations@campaignforliberty.com.

Click here for materials you can download and use in battles in your state.

See your state Campaign for Liberty page for links to materials such as online petitions, petitions for download, and battle-specific flyers.

Click here to see other battles Campaign for Liberty state groups are taking on.

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