By Author "byron schirmbeck" - page 3
It's candidate survey time again!
Here at Texas Campaign For Liberty one of our most important projects is our candidate survey program. We know that the best time to get answers from politicians is when they are asking for your vote. We send out surveys to all state and federal [...]
Protect Texas Public Waters from Government Power Grab!
Brazoria County Commissioners recently seized power that isn't theirs and illegally closed public waters to sport fishing and swimming surrounding San Luis Pass public park. All waters in Texas are considering state property and are reserved by [...]
Constitutional Carry Hearing!
I’ve got very exciting news to report: Constitutional Carry is advancing in Texas. Thanks to the efforts of thousands of gun rights activists like you, and with the strong support of pro-gun allies from across the state. . . On Tuesday, [...]
Are more Ticket Cameras Coming to Texas?
I’m sure you’ve heard the story about the Trojan Horse. . . where something you thought was a gift turns out to have a dangerous and unwanted hidden surprise inside. There are plenty of examples of “Trojan Horse” bills that do the [...]
Learn where the Candidates Stand on Liberty!
Texas Campaign For Liberty's largest statewide project is our candidate survey. Our staff spends countless hours compiling, mailing, reviewing, following up and posting results from our candidate survey project so you can know where candidates [...]
Stop the Texas Gun Control Scheme!
With all of the recent news about a push for "common sense" gun control coming from D.C. politicians, you may think that at least we are safe here in Texas with a Republican controlled legislature. I am sorry to say you and I are facing new [...]
One last chance to ban the cameras!
I won't beat around the bush. We are almost out of time to pass legislation to rein in the dangerous and unconstitutional red light cameras in Texas. The good news is, you helped push anti-camera bills through the Texas Senate in record [...]

Stop the Texas Internet Censorship Bill!
Are you ready for a communist-style takeover of the Internet in Texas? Are you ready to ask permission from a government-approved panel to view websites they deem inappropriate? A bill has been filed in the Texas House that is one of the most [...]
Check out Texas C4L's new Facebook page
Keep up with the latest events in Texas by liking our new official Texas Campaign For Liberty Facebook page. You can like and sign up by clicking here. We will keep you up to date with the latest threats to Liberty in Texas as well as local [...]
El Paso State Rep. Joe Pickett thinks you are stupid!
You and I both know politicians often say one thing and do something else when they think they can get away with it. Unfortunately, one Texas State Representative, Joe Pickett (D-El Paso), is taking this to an extreme. . . He’s trying to [...]