Campaign for Liberty Local Leadership

If we hope to reclaim the Republic and restore the Constitution, we must oppose the assumption that all issues that divide us must be solved at the federal level. We believe in the alternative of local self-government, as called for in our Constitution. The more effective and better organized we are at the local level, the more likely we’ll take back our country.

Campaign for Liberty’s goal is to have at least one Local Coordinator in every neighborhood across America. Local Coordinators are active participants in transforming government closest to home.

The goal of each one of should be to win our own neighborhood for liberty. The Local Coordinator leads the charge in fighting for or against local initiatives—effectively transforming government where it matters most—in their own backyard. The Local Coordinator gets our message to the community, identifies like-minded patriots, and mobilizes them to take action.

The Local Coordinator is the first and most important link in the chain that makes up our representative form of government, and the role they play is essential to grassroots mobilization.

If you have the desire to take the lead, we have the tools to help you get started.

Campaign for Liberty Local Coordinators are provided with online training resources and the ability to store details about your area, and we are continuously working on developing more tools to support your efforts.

What are the expectations?

• 4-5 hours per month time commitment
• Recruit new supporters and local leaders
• Attend local government meetings
• Advocate for good policy proposals and against bad proposals
• Participate in petition drives and other activities that bring awareness to your local efforts
• Attend Campaign for Liberty county meetings, where applicable
• Political party involvement, to include:
o Monthly meeting attendance
o Attend annual conventions

Click here to get started!

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