This week in Congress

The Senate will be spending this week on the nomination and confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may use the "nuclear option" to prevent the Democrats from filibustering the nomination. [...]

Campaign for Liberty President Norman Singleton's testimony before Congress

Below is my official statement before the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. If you have not yet seen the hearing, you can watch it here. The opportunity to testify before the Oversight Committee was a [...]

This week in Congress

With ObamaCare (sorta of, kinda but not really) repeal and replace on hold, the Senate was forced to revise their agenda this week. Yesterday they held a cloture vote on the treaty adding Montenegro to NATO. Sadly, only Rand Paul and Mike Lee [...]

Senate Cloture vote on NATO Expansion today!

Today at 5:30 the US Senate will hold the cloture vote on the treaty adding Montenegro to NATO. Senator Rand Paul has been leading the opposition to this treaty, and has been smeared by the war party for his efforts. Campaign for Liberty [...]

RINOcare Manager's amendment...real changes or lipstick on a pig?

SPOILER ALERT: the Pig is wearing lipstick. House leadership and the White House have been negotiating with conservative members of Congress to make changes to the Republican Obamacare "replacement bill." These changes will be included in a [...]

President Trump's War on Liberty

Campaign for Liberty President Norman Singleton issued the following statement regarding President Donald Trump's declaration of war on the House Freedom Caucus:  It is disappointing that President Trump has declared war on some of the most [...]

Statement on House Committee Markup of Audit the Fed

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton issued the following statements regarding the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's markup of Audit the Fed (H.R. 24) on Tuesday, March [...]

Did the Government Spy on Trump? Of Course. It Spies on All of Us!

There was high drama last week when Rep. Devin Nunes announced at the White House that he had seen evidence that the communications of the Donald Trump campaign people, and perhaps even Trump himself, had been “incidentally collected” by the [...]

Celebrate Human Achievement

Tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. EST radical environmentalists (a.k.a.. watermelons green on the outside, red on the inside) will turn off their lights and unplug all electronic devices to mark "earth hour." The point of this is to show commitment to [...]

This week in Congress: Will RINOCare Pass?

The Senate came in today to vote on nominations to the United States Sentencing Commission. The House came in yesterday. The big item of the week is the American Heath Care Act, better named the RepealInNameOnlyCare Act. The House is currently [...]