Steve Bannon and Norm Singleton on The Future of Conservatism

Those looking for insights into Chief White House Strategist Steve Bannon's philosophy and outlook may be interested in his remarks on "The Future of Conservationism," a panel discussion Mr. Bannon participated in back in September, [...]

Trump’s ISIS Plan: Another US Invasion?

Just over a week into the Trump Administration, the President issued an Executive Order giving Defense Secretary James Mattis 30 days to come up with a plan to defeat ISIS. According to the Order, the plan should make recommendations on military [...]

Rand Paul: Why I voted against the new CIA director

Personal is Policy, which is why many opponents of mass surveillance, warrantless wiretapping, and other violations of the forth amendment where disappointed when President Trump nominated surveillance state defender Mike Pompeo to serve as CIA [...]

This week in Congress

The Senate continues to work on approving President Trump's cabinet nominations. Yesterday, the Senate confirmed Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin by a vote of 53-47. The House is in session Monday through Friday. As in past weeks, the focus [...]

Second Amendment: The ultimate civil right

Since February is Black History Mouth, it's a good time to reread some articles on the role the second amendment played in the Civil Rights movement: Reminder: Guns Helped Secure the Freedom and Civil Rights of Black Americans (Reason [...]

Ron Paul Classics: Obamacare's problems and its Republican enablers

As Congressional Republicans continued to debate whether to repeal ObamaCare with something good, something ok, or something bad, it might be a good time to look  back at Ron Paul's columns  "The Right Lessons from ObamaCare Meltdown" and [...]

Frederick Douglass: Libertarian

Black History Month is an excellent time to revisit Damon Root's 2012 Reason Magazine essay Fredrick Douglas: Classical Liberal In April 1865, as the Civil War was reaching its bloody climax, the abolitionist leader and escaped former slave [...]

Classic Ron Paul: Burt Blumert - A Hero of Liberty

"I told everyone what to do, they didn’t listen, so to heck with them!”  That quote is from my last conversation with Burt Blumert, who would have turned 88 this week. Burt is one of the unsung heroes of the liberty movement. In fact, it's [...]

Will Congress Stop Forcing Pro-Life Americans to Subsidize Abortion?

Last month marked 44 years since the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision declaring a constitutional right to abortion. Roe remains one of the Supreme Court’s most controversial decisions. Even some progressive legal theorists who favor [...]

Classic Ron Paul: No Faith-Based Statism

One of the most dangerous (if well-meaning) domestic initiatives pushed by the George W. Bush administration was to expend federal funding for "social services" provided by faith-based institutions. By putting religious organizations on the [...]