National Blog - page 117
Memo to the Next Administration: Defense Spending Must Be For Actual Defense
In a disturbing indication of how difficult it would be to bring military spending in line with actual threats overseas, House Armed Services Chairman Rep. Mac Thornberry (R – TX) told President Obama last week that his war funding request of [...]
Election aftermath: Don't get mad or sad. Get to work!
Whatever your thoughts on the results of yesterday's election, and the challenges and opportunities it presents us, there are good reasons to be optimistic. Having been involved with the liberty movement since the early nineties, and having [...]
Regardless of How America Votes, Americans Want a Different Foreign Policy
I have said throughout this presidential campaign that it doesn’t matter much which candidate wins. Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are authoritarians and neither can be expected to roll back the leviathan state that destroys our civil [...]
USA Freedom Act: Ron Paul was right again
During the debate over the USA Freedom Act, Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul wrote that: However, Edward Snowden's revelations have galvanized opposition to the NSA’s ongoing violations of our liberties. This is why Congress will soon [...]
Cliff Maloney: America is a Free-Speech Zone
Halloween was especially scary at many American colleges where college administrators threatened to call the police if a student dared to wear an "insensitive" costume. Other colleges issued "guidance" on politically correct costumes so broad [...]
Liberty at the movies: Deepwater Horizons and Scully
Deepwater Horizons and Scully are two "based on a true story" films that raise interesting questions about goverment regulations and corporate accountability. Deepwater Horizons deals with the biggest oil explosion in American history: the [...]
What To Expect In The Lame Duck: Increased Defense Spending
Nobel Peace Prize winner President Obama may conclude his time in office by increasing defense spending by $6 billion dollars to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (didn't the peace president end those wars?). The Pentagon requested that [...]
Liberty at the Movies: Election
Hard as it may seem to believe, the sharpest, most intelligent political satire of recent times deals with a race for high school student body President. I am talking about 1999's Election, which is perfect pre-or-post election viewing. The [...]
Campaign for Liberty supports the CHOICE Act
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition in support of the Financial Choice Act (HR 5963). This bill makes a number of positive reforms in the federal financial regulations. Among the bill's reforms are making new financial regulations [...]
Blame Government, Not Markets for Monopoly
When Time-Warner announced it planned to merge with another major communications firm, many feared the new company would exercise near-total monopoly power. These concerns led some to call for government action to block the merger in order to [...]