Liberty at the movies: Civil War

Captain America: Civil War, the latest offering from Marvel Studios, is breaking box office records and winning well-deserved critical acclaim. This may be the best Marvel movie yet. It features a great script that deals with weighty [...]

How the Fed feeds big government and debt

Donald Trump recently caused controversy by commenting that the federal government would never have to default on the national debt because the Fed can just print more money. Of course, since an increase in the money supply devalues the money, [...]

Campaign for Liberty Joins Bellion Spirits in First Amendment Fight

Campaign for Liberty has joined Bellion Spirits in its petition to the U.S. Treasury’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) to allow Bellion Spirits to label its products in the way it sees fit. At issue is a proprietary [...]

RON PAUL: What Happened to the Revolution?

In a recent interview I was asked why Bernie Sanders, a self-described “democratic socialist” had seemingly attracted so much support among young people. In fact polls suggest Sanders is the most popular candidate among people aged 18-29, and [...]

Regulatory budget a good way to start rolling back the regulatory state

When most people think of the costs government imposes on the economy, they usually think of taxation. However, a greater burden on the economy may be imposed by federal regulations. Unfortunately, Congress has made no attempt to measure the [...]

And you thought Red Light Cameras were a bad idea...

Continuous monitoring of what individuals choose to eat and drink may seem like something out of a dystopian science-fiction, but, if  some federally-funded researchers get their way it will soon be a reality. The National Science Foundation has [...]

Even phony reform too much for the Queen of Civil Asset Theft

Last year, outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder made headlines by suspending "equitable sharing programs," which allow state, local, and the federal government to equitably share the profits of civil asset theft. As is often the case with [...]

This Week in Congress: It's Opioid Week!

The House is in session Tuesday through Friday this week. As the title of this blog suggests, the House will address legislation dealing with the "opioid crisis." The major opioid  legislation the House will consider this week is H.R. 4641 [...]

Campaign for Liberty Strongly Opposes De Facto E-Cigarette Ban

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - Today, Campaign for Liberty came out strongly against the Food and Drug Administration’s e-cigarette regulations requiring all e-cigarette products produced after February 15, 2007 to go through the Pre-Market Tobacco [...]

May the 4th Be With You!

Check out this fun video from our friends at Reason!