National Blog - page 136
Campaign for Liberty to CA Attorney General: LEAVE OUR MEMBERS ALONE
Campaign for Liberty has joined with 63 organizations in sending a letter to the California Attorney General's office opposing a proposed regulation requiring non-profit organizations to disclose the names of their donors to the state. This [...]
RON PAUL: Intervention Fail: Back to Libya
The use of the US military overseas seems to have become so commonplace that the Obama Administration can bomb a country with no Congressional input and very little media interest at all. Such was the case on Friday, when the US military killed [...]
WATCH: Ron Paul Discusses Apple's Stand Against the FBI
Watch C4L Chairman Ron Paul discuss Apple refusing a court order to create a backdoor to the iPhone: Watch the latest video at
War on Cash?
Will the next war waged by the federal government be a war on cash? Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers has come out in favor of eliminating the $100 bill, arguing that it will stop terrorism. Yes, Terrorism! Summers writes in the Washington [...]
Your life, liberty, and property is a little bit safer
No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.” ― Mark Twain Of course, Twain was writing before it was common for Presidents to abuse their power with executive orders, otherwise he would [...]
Senate Judiciary Committee Opposes Supreme Court Hearings
Earlier today the GOP members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), wrote a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vowing not to hold hearings on Justice Antonin Scalia's replacement until a new [...]
This week in Congress: February 22, 2016
The House of Representatives is in session Tuesday through Friday this week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the House will consider bills under suspension of the rules. Among the bills considered under suspension are H.R. 3584, a bill to [...]
Victory for Worker Freedom (and classic Ron Paul)
The liberty movement scored a major victory last week when West Virginia became America's 26th Right to Work state. Passing Right to Work laws in a majority of states is a tribute to the many activists (including numerous Campaign for Liberty [...]
Apple Refuses FBI Request to Make Backdoor to iPhone
Today, Apple, announced on its website that it is refusing to comply with an FBI request to create software allowing the government to unlock the iPhone belonging to the San Bernardino shooter. Apple argues that this request will create a [...]
RON PAUL: What Markets Are Telling Us
Last week US stock markets tumbled yet again, leaving the Dow Jones index down almost 1500 points for the year. In fact, most major world markets are in negative territory this year. There are many Wall Street cheerleaders who are trying to say [...]