National Blog - page 145
House Benghazi Hearings: Too Much Too Late
Last week the US House of Representatives called former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to appear before a select committee looking into the attack on a US facility in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012. The attack left four Americans dead, including US [...]
Finland crackdowns on Cheap Pizza
no that is not a typo.... Finnish authorities are asking their citizens to report anyone selling pizza for less than 6 euros ($6.81). The reason? Finnish "experts" have concluded that 6 euros is the absolute minimum that one can sell a pizza for [...]
Health Sharing Ministries one more example of why market > govermemnt
One of the arguments commonly made by supporters of government-run health care is that free people are incapable of finding or creating ways to meet their needs for affordable health care. Of course, anyone who understands free-market economics [...]
RON PAUL: Debt Ceiling Debate: Don’t Mention Warfare/Welfare State!
The US Treasury’s recent announcement that the government will reach the debt ceiling on November 3 means Congress will soon be debating raising the government’s borrowing limit again. Any delay in, or opposition to, raising the debt ceiling [...]
Senate planning bait-and-switch on mandatory minimum sentacning?
Last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee unveiled the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act, "bipartisan" (and that is the first sign this is trouble) legislation that supposedly reduces the number of mandatory minimum sentences imposed by [...]
Obama thinks you're too stupid
to mange your own retirement... Today the House of Representatives is considering HR 1090, the Retail Investor Protection Act. This legislation blocks the Department of Labor's "fiduciary rule." The rule imposes a one-size-fits all "best [...]
Ron Paul Classic: No Federal Speech Police!
This week a leading Presidential candidate (as a 501(c) (4) Campaign for Liberty does not endorse or oppose any candidature for any office) suggested that the Federal Department of Education "police" colleges for examples of "extreme political [...]
Campaign for Liberty to Congress: No more bailouts
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition letter in support of "The Enterprise Secondary Reserve Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act of 2015” (HR 1673), introduced by Tennessee Representative Marsha Blackburn. This [...]
Civil Asset Theft in your state
"We are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but property is being taken from the American people with no charge of crime." - Rep. Ron Paul, House floor, June 24, 1999 I wanted to share this classic video of Dr. Paul's 1999 House [...]
Assassination Nation
Stop what you're doing and read this. Thanks to a new whistleblower within the intelligence community, referred to simply as, "The Source," The Intercept just published "The Drone Papers," detailing America's counterproductive 14-year [...]