National Blog - page 147
Ron Paul Classic: Internet Sales Taxes Crush Small Bussinesses
With Representative Jason Chaffetz, the lead sponsor of the "Remote Transactions Parity Act," (H.R. 2775),the House version of the National Internet Sales Tax Mandate, seeking to succeed John Boehner as Speaker of the House, this seems like a [...]
Chaffetz for Speaker? LOL
It's no secret that the GOP is struggling. Whether it is refusing to reduce spending, spying on innocent Americans, or calling for tax increases, the GOP has a clear credibility problem. There is good news, however! Speaker John Boehner, the [...]
Swords Into Plowshares Playlist: Part Two
Here is part two of the Swords Into Plowshares playlist. Read Part One here. Make sure you buy your copy of Swords Into Plowshares here. Chapter Eleven: "A Unilateral Declaration of Peace" Song: "Brings the Boys Home" by Freda [...]
Campaign for Liberty joins coalition against increasing spending
Congress may consider the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act Conference Report as early as this week. Sadly, but not surprisingly, this year's NDAA increases spending by "hiding" $38 billion in the Overseas Contingency Operations Fund (OCO). [...]
Another Fed Official Admits: Ron Paul was right!
Dr. Stephen D. Williamson, Vice-President of the St. Louis Federal Reserve recently published a paper “Current Federal Reserve Policy under the Lens of Economic History: A Review Essay.” In this paper, Dr. Williamson makes a rather [...]
Is Jason Chaffetz worse than Boehner?
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - Today, Campaign for Liberty responded to Rep. Jason Chaffetz’s run to implement his pro-tax, anti-growth policies from the Speaker’s chair. Chaffetz, is the sponsor of the so-called “Remote Transaction Parity [...]
RON PAUL: I Wish Nobody Was Bombing Syria
The US regime change policy for Syria has been a catastrophe. More than 200,000 killed and an entire country reduced to rubble at least partly because President Obama decided that “Assad has lost his legitimacy.” How is it that the president [...]
Will Dave Trott Sell Out?
Please read this important update from Michigan C4L President Tony DeMott: I just got a remarkable email from Norman Singleton, Campaign for Liberty’s Senior Vice President: Tony, I just heard that Congressman Dave Trott (MI-11) may be the [...]
Ron Paul for Speaker?
Following John Boehner’s announcement that he was stepping down as Speaker of the House, some prominent liberty movement leaders suggested Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul succeed Boehner as Speaker of the House. After all the Speaker [...]
Classic Ron Paul: Don't Trust the Fed
Thanks to Paul-Martin Foss of the indispensable Carl Menger Center for the Study of Money and Banking for finding this 1979 speech by Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul on the Federal Reserve. While this speech was delivered thirty-six [...]