National Blog - page 177
The Fed running scared, attacks Audit The Fed And Rand Paul
As reported by The Hill, multiple Federal Reserve Presidents have started publicly attacking "Audit the Fed" which was introduced by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul last month. (But remember, the Fed must not be audited to remain "independent" from [...]
Thomas Massie: Gun-Free School Zones Make People Less Safe
Audit the Fed is not the only pro-liberty legislation that Thomas Massie has introduced. Mr. Massie has also introduced the Safe Schools Act (H.R. 86). The aptly named Safe Schools Act repeals the unconstitutional "Safe and Gun-Free Schools Act," [...]
Campaign for Liberty Strongly Opposes Online Gambling Ban
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Today, Campaign for Liberty issued the following statement from C4L President John Tate strongly opposing the reintroduction of the “Restoration of America’s Wire Act” (RAWA) by Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT). This [...]
Bruce Fein: Liberal paternalistic opposition to Rand Paul’s audit the Fed
Friend of Campaign for Liberty, Bruce Fein wrote on op-ed in The Washington Times, challenging those who continue to fight to preserve Federal Reserve secrecy. The entire thing is worth a read, but below are some highlights: Chairman Yellen and [...]
Why Audit the Federal Reserve? Don’t We Already Do That?
By Zac Nickerson Why Audit the Federal Reserve? Don’t We Already Do That? The quick answer to that is "Yes." But it isn’t audited entirely. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 after the Federal Reserve Act became law. In the [...]
Gallup CEO: Unemployment rate a big lie
Jim Clifton, CEO of the influential polling company Gallup, is the latest to blow the whistle on how the government is manipulating the unemployment statistics to manufacture the illusion of an economic recovery: Here's something that many [...]
Congressman Bruce Poliquin Breaks Pledge
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Yesterday, Congressman Bruce Poliquin (R-ME) violated his pledge to Campaign for Liberty and his constituents by voting against HR 596, which would repeal ObamaCare. Representative Poliquin pledged that he would [...]
Ron Paul Testimony on The Legal Workforce Act
Please see Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's statement before the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security of the Committee of the Judiciary. Dr. Paul specifically addresses the problems of implementing a mandatory E-Verify [...]
Campaign for Liberty to Congress: No Gas Tax
Campaign for Liberty has joined a coalition of over 50 organizations in a letter to Congress opposing an increase in the federal gas tax. Despite the clear anti-tax message sent by the voters last November, some Republicans are actually [...]
Will Audit the Fed Really "Politicize" the Fed?
Critics of Audit the Fed are out in full force in the op-ed pages, newspaper columns, and on cable news shows since Senator Paul introduced S. 264 with 30 bipartisan cosponsors. In some sense, that's actually a good thing, as their cases for [...]