Audit the Fed Cosponsors - 1/14/15

Has your representative cosponsored Rep. Thomas Massie's H.R. 24, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2015? Since its introduction last Tuesday with 63 original cosponsors, 20 additional cosponsors have signed on to support the [...]

Lessons from Paris

After the tragic shooting at a provocative magazine in Paris last week, I pointed out that given the foreign policy positions of France we must consider blowback as a factor. Those who do not understand blowback made the ridiculous claim that I [...]

Adam Dick on Congressional Corruption

Adam Dick, senior fellow at the Ron Paul Institute and my former colleague in Ron Paul's  Congressional office, has a must-read piece on how last week's House of Representative leadership elections highlight the institutional corruption in [...]

Let's give it the ol' college try

Yesterday, President Obama announced he would pursue making two years of community college "free" for "anyone who's willing to work for it."  (One could argue that a college education is already available to anyone who's willing to work for it, [...]

Government rings in the new year with $100 billion in new debt

While most Americans were ringing in the New Year with Champagne and Black Eyed Peas, the federal government was ringing it in by increasing the national debt by nearly $100 billion.  That's right, the government added $98 billion to the [...]

Ron Paul: Turmoil ahead, but we can still make 2015 a fun year for liberty

Reprinted below is Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's article "Inner City Turmoil and Other Crises: My Predictions for 2015," which was originally published at the Ron Paul Institute. In the article, Dr. Paul lays out the severe [...]

Reason Video: What's the Biggest Threat to Free Speech?

Reason TV asked politicians and journalists what the biggest threat to free speech is. Here are their responses. While the video was shot in 2010, it is even more relevant today.

Congress saves the Super Bowl

Thanks to former Senator Tom Coburn, Congress left town in December without reauthorizing the Terrorism Risk Insurance (TRI) program, the "temporary" program created after 9-11 to provide a taxpayer "backstop" for terrorism insurance. Senator [...]

Audit the Fed Adds More Cosponsors

Support for Audit the Fed continues to build in the early days of the 114th Congress, with 11 representatives signing on to the bill just days after it was introduced with 63 bipartisan original cosponsors. In a press release, Freshman Rep. [...]

Congressman Alex Mooney (WV-2) to Cosponsor Audit the Fed

Only a few days into the new Congress and lots of Members are rushing to sign on to H.R. 24, "Audit the Fed." The latest is West Virginia Congressman Alex Mooney. Check out the press release from his office below: WASHINGTON, DC – Republican [...]