National Blog - page 186
C4L Joins Coalition Against Removing Massie-Lofgren Amendment
Campaign for Liberty has joined 29 other groups in sending a coalition letter to U.S. House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi urging the House to keep the Massie-Lofgren amendment in any final Omnibus spending bill it [...]
Tell your Representative to Oppose Online Gambling Ban!
Congressman Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) is circulating a letter to House Speaker John Boehner urging him to oppose any attempt to ban online gambling in the lame duck session. C4L members should contact their Representative and tell them to sign on to [...]
Judge Napolitano Schools Jon Stewart on Capitalism
Judge Andrew Napolitano appeared on The Daily show on Monday night to talk about his new book, Suicide Pact: The Radical Expansion of Presidential Powers and the Lethal Threat to American Liberty. At one point in the conversation, Stewart [...]
Study: Net Neutrality Will Mean $17 Billion Tax Hike
According to a new study from the Progressive Policy Institute, President Obama's call to regulate the Internet like a public utility would mean a $17 Billion tax hike for Americans. From The Hill: Reclassifying Web service would likely force [...]
Campaign for Liberty opposes Police Militarization in NDAA
Campaign for Liberty has joined a letter to the Chairs and Ranking members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees requesting they resist efforts to include language expanding the 1033 program--which provides military equipment to local [...]
Representative Massie speaks out in defense of his amendment
Yesterday, Dr. Ron Paul commented on reports that the U.S. House Leadership will strip the popular Massie-Lofgren amendment to reform NSA spying programs from the "Omnibus" bill, saying, in part: As disconnected as Congress is from the American [...]
Ron Paul Supports Keeping Massie-Lofgren Amendment
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Today, Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul released the following statement after reports that House Leadership plans to remove the popular Massie-Lofgren NDAA amendment that reformed NSA spying programs from the Omnibus [...]
Your deadbeat Uncle Sam...
Ever have a friend or family member who is constantly in debt and whose idea of fiscal responsibility is to get an increase in their credit card limit in order to pay off their debts? Well, we all have such a relative... our Uncle Sam. Since [...]
Cities using tax dollars to lobby for Internet Sales Tax
It's not enough that politicians in Washington want you to pay taxes on everything you buy on the Internet. Your city and state are likely using your tax dollars to lobby politicians in Washington to raise your taxes! States and localities are [...]
Va Governor signs bill exempting non-ACA insurance plans until 2017
On November 19th, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe(D) signed into law SB 5014, which allows health insurance companies to continue offering non-ACA compliant plans through 2017. This comes as welcome relief for the nearly 250,000 Virginians who [...]