IRS Documentary: UnFair the Movie

C4L members may be interested in seeing a documentary on the IRS out on Tuesday, October 14th. You can find out more info on the film here.

78 Percent of Americans want vote on using military force against ISIS

According to a new poll from Reason-Rupe, 78 percent of Americans want Congress to vote on an authorization of use of military force against ISIS before the midterms. This would require Congress returning from recess since they adjourned in [...]

The Economics of Drug Cartels

By Harrison Dean No one likes drug cartels. But does government policy play a role in creating and sustaining them?  Most people have probably never even considered the question. But when we consider the economics of prohibition, it becomes [...]

Privacy: Yet another reason to Oppose the Internet Sales Tax

Not that you needed another reason to oppose the so-called "Marketplace Fairness Act" or the Internet Tax Mandate that would force small businesses to collect sales taxes on behalf of over 9,600 tax jurisdictions nationwide. But what about [...]

MI County Seizes Woman's Home after One Missed Tax Payment

A Michigan County is planning to seize and auction off a woman's home after she failed to pay $2,000 in property taxes. From Fox 17:  A Kalamazoo County judge has sided with county officials in a dispute where a Richland woman says her home is [...]

Indoor gun range moves in next to school, predictable outrage ensues

Students, parents, and community leaders are outraged that an indoor gun range is opening next to the local high school in Rancho Cordova, California. Apparently having a gun range in such proximity to a school is dangerous. From [...]

Audit the Fed Resources

Together, we are making history! On September 17, Ron Paul's Federal Reserve Transparency Act (introduced this Congress by Representative Paul Broun), better known as Audit the Fed, passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 333-92 [...]

Ron Paul: Tell Harry Reid we need to Audit the Fed

C4L Chairman Ron Paul has an op-ed in Rare today calling on Harry Reid to hold a vote on Audit the Fed: We are constantly told by a government that seeks to learn everything about us that we have nothing to fear if we have nothing to hide. Well, [...]

Thomas Massie at LPAC 2014: "Guns, Butter, and More Guns"

Rep. Thomas Massie (KY-4) addressed the 2014 Liberty Political Action Conference on Thursday, September 18th, at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wxrNJZE8lw

US Debt: one more reason to Audit the Fed

Listening to the political class, one would think that the federal deficit has been slashed to the bone. But the truth, as revealed in a must-read article on the Wolf Street Blog is the federal deficit is growing and will continue to grow in the [...]