Bipartisan Group of Senators to Harry Reid: Don't Tax the Internet!

A bipartisan group of Senators, including Rand Paul (R-KY), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), John Tester (D-MT),Kelly Ayotte (R-NH),  and Jeff Merkley (D-OR),  have sent a letter to US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Republican [...]

BREAKING: Audit the Fed Moving in the House!

Tomorrow, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will markup Rep. Paul Broun's H.R. 24, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, or Audit the Fed as it's better known! After gaining a majority of the House as cosponsors for the [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Internet Sales Taxes Harms Future Entrepreneurs

Senators trying to sneak the National Internet Sales Tax into law by attaching it to the Internet Access Tax Moratorium should read Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's 2013 column "Internet Sales Tax Could Crush Small Businesses." In this [...]

Are There Lessons for Us Today from Nazi Gun Control?

UPDATE: If you can't attend, watch the live stream of the event here. Campaign for Liberty members in the Bay Area may want to attend "Are There Lessons for Us Today From Nazi Gun Control?" this Thursday at the The Independent Institute’s [...]

Forty-nine states tracking your prescriptions in databases

Forty-nine states are tracking all of your prescriptions in state-run databases and politicians and law enforcement hope to make Missouri the 50th state. Lawmakers say this is necessary to combat prescription pain-killer abuse, but this is a [...]

Don't want to drug your child? You may be a criminal

During his years in Congress, Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul often spoke out against the over-use of "psychotropic" drugs like Ritalin. Despite psychotropic drugs' documented dangers, they are still prescribed to children without parental [...]

Campaign for Liberty Strongly Opposes Internet Sales Tax Bill

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - Today, Campaign for Liberty again came out strongly against the so-called “Marketplace Fairness Act,” which the Senate is considering attaching to the “Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act,” despite wide opposition [...]

Dirty dealing to pass the Internet Tax Mandate this week?

Unless you act NOW, the National Internet Tax Mandate could sail through the Senate this week! You see, Campaign for Liberty members have been so successful in keeping the National Internet Tax Mandate from even being considered by the U.S. [...]

What the Media Won’t Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17

Just days after the tragic crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine, Western politicians and media joined together to gain the maximum propaganda value from the disaster. It had to be Russia; it had to be Putin, they said. [...]