National Blog - page 215
Ron Paul Classic: Hobby Lobby Case About Rights
Today the Supreme Court held that the federal government cannot force small businesses to pay for contraceptive coverage if doing so violates the business owners' religious beliefs. Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's examined the [...]
Ron Paul Classic: Just say NO to FDA regulation of tobacco
James Bovard, writing the in the USA Today, examines how the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s proposed new tobacco regulations will impact cigars. The new rules require "pre-market approval" of new cigar products--meaning a cigar [...]
Will the FDA kill Samantha Shear?
Samantha Shear is a 21-year-old girl with autism. For years, her parents unsuccessfully sought a treatment to help control Samantha's violent and self-destructive behavior. After trying almost every option, her parents found a course of [...]
A Culture of Violence
Editor's Note: The following is an excerpt from Congressman Ron Paul's final speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, "Farewell to Congress" delivered on November 14, 2012. A full version of this historic speech is available in [...]
Welcome to the 21st Century, 4th Amendment!
In a seemingly rare unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled today that police must get a warrant for most* cell phone searches. Washington Post reports: Modern cellphones “hold for many Americans the privacies of life,” Chief Justice [...]
Celebrate Independence Day By Opposing Government Tyranny
This week Americans will enjoy Independence Day with family cookouts and fireworks. Flags will be displayed in abundance. Sadly, however, what should be a celebration of the courage of those who risked so much to oppose tyranny will instead be [...]
Ron Paul, Movie Star?
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul is appearing in two libertarian-themed films this year. Dr. Paul will make a cameo in Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?, the third, and final, installment of the cinematic adaptation of Ayn Rand's classic [...]
Remember the Death Panels?
Sarah Palin stirred up a fuss in 2010 when she tweeted a reference to ObamaCare's "Death Panels." While ObamaCare did not explicitly give the government the power to ration health care, Governor Palin was correct that there are several provisions [...]
The Concept of Inflation
By: Colin Combs With recent data showing a sharp rise in consumer prices for the month of May, there has been a lot of discussion on price inflation over the past week, in spite of Janet Yellen’s attempt to dismiss this inflation as merely [...]
Blame DC, not doctors, for rising health care costs
Writing in USA Today, Arkansas Neurologist Kathryn Chenault explains how the federal regulations increase the cost of health care and make it impossible for her to provide the best possible care to her patients. Dr. Chenault makes a point that [...]