National Blog - page 227
USA FREEDOM Act Won't Stop NSA Spying
Did Edward Snowden place too much faith in the American system of government? When Snowden first met with Greenwald, he emphasized that his biggest fear about blowing the whistle on the largest surveillance scheme in human history was that [...]
Will Senate put "Helicopter" Ben's teacher on the Fed's Board?
In addition to voting on cloture for David Barron, this week the Senate will vote on cloture for President Obama's nomination of Stanley Fisher as Vice-Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Since Senator Rand Paul has placed a hold on [...]
Rand Paul in The Boston Herald: Barron not qualified for fed bench
Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky) writes in The Boston Herald today about why he is opposing David Barron's nomination to the First Circuit Court of Appeals. Barron is the author of a controversial memo justifying the extrajudicial killing of American [...]
Stand with Rand 2.0
Your urgent action is needed to stop a hypocritical “progressive” from being appointed to a lifetime seat on the First Circuit Court of Appeals! David Barron, President Obama’s nominee for the First Circuit Court, could come up for a [...]
Colorado to allow terminally ill patients to try drugs without FDA approval
In Colorado's latest move to circumvent onerous federal laws, the Governor Hickenlooper has signed a bill into law that would allow terminally ill patients to access experimental medicine without getting approval from the FDA, a particularly [...]
NDAA mark-up should be transparent
Tomorrow the Senate Committee on Armed Services will mark-up the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). However, you might not be able to see the mark-up online or on C-SPAN. That is because Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI) [...]
Thomas Massie eats hemp seeds on national TV
Watch Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie talk about Kentucky's fight against the DEA to grow hemp seeds.
NSA recording every cell phone call in the Bahamas
The NSA is secretly recording every single cell phone conversation in the Bahamas according to documents provided by Edward Snowden. From The Intercept: The surveillance is part of a top-secret system – code-named SOMALGET – that was [...]
Tax Reform is Useless Without Spending Reform
Here is Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk on why supporters of limited government, free-markets, and individual liberty should not get excited about the chatter about tax "reform" emanating from the Beltway. [...]
Staff at embattled Phoenix VA pocketed bonuses, hefty salaries
The embattled VA Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona, which is accused of letting 40 veterans die while waiting for care, doled out millions of dollars in bonuses and unusually high salaries according to a Freedom of Information Act. From Fox [...]