National Blog - page 251
Senator Paul Demands Answers
Amid reports the NSA may have spied on the Pope and the Vatican conclave, this afternoon, Senator Paul introduced a resolution in the Senate demanding President Obama provide an explanation. The Senator appeared on Fox News to discuss his [...]
Senator Rand Paul places hold on Janet Yellen nomination
Tonight, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky) informed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that he "will object to any unanimous consent agreement or the waiver of any rule with respect to the nomination of Dr. Yellen" unless "Audit the Fed" (S.209) is brought [...]
A Welcome US/Saudi Reset
Here is Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk on Saudi Arabia's unhappiness with the US for not launching an unconstitutional war in Syria. Under Dr. Paul's leadership, Campaign for Liberty will continue to oppose all [...]
Are You Ready to Audit the Fed?
In the 111th and 112th Congress, historic grassroots lobbying efforts organized by Campaign for Liberty led Ron Paul's Audit the Fed to passage in the House of Representatives. In this 113th Congress, it's going to take just as much heavy [...]
The Definitive Guide to How Obamacare is Destroying American Lives
Blogger Matt Walsh asked people to submit examples to him of how Obamacare was affecting them. The responses show that Obamacare is a disaster for many Americans. Obamacare has raised prices for health insurance and health care, caused [...]
Audit the Fed: The Time Has Come
By: Michael Clayton With Sen. Rand Paul announcing his intention to place a hold on the nomination of Janet Yellen to be the new Federal Reserve Chairman unless he gets a vote on his Audit the Fed bill, the moment we have been waiting for may [...]
Deadline Approaching for Spring Internships!
Have you ever wanted to work for liberty but weren't sure how to get your foot in the door on the national level? Well, Campaign for Liberty is looking for dedicated, liberty-minded high school or college students to intern for our spring [...]
TSA to Replace Tom Cruise in Sequel to ‘Minority Report’
By: Matt McBride The Transportation Security Administration is yet again on the frontiers of privacy violations. TSA has announced a new program to search a myriad of government and private databases for information about airplane passers [...]
Libertarians co-opting anti-NSA rally?
On Monday, Salon published an article by Tom Watson which argued that liberals shouldn't align with libertarians over the fight to roll back NSA surveillance. At issue is the Stop Watching Us rally, of which Campaign for Liberty is a proud [...]