Learn how to explode economic fallacies

by John Watts Senator Elizabeth Warren, (D-MA), recently suggested in committee that if the federal minimum wage kept pace with production increases over the last 30-plus years, it would today be around $22 instead of the current [...]

Internet Tax Mandate Will NOT Save the States

New figures show that states that implemented Internet sales taxes raised 75-80% less than they expected to raise. For example, California was estimated to raise $457 million for online taxes but only raised $96.4 million, while New York [...]

Debate on Internet taxes

As the battle over the National Internet Tax Mandate heats up, Campaign for Liberty members may be interested in this debate between Reason magazine contributor J.D. Tuccille and radio show host Thom Hartman on the National Internet Sales [...]

Video: Ron Paul Takes on "Foreign Aid"

Yesterday, C4L Chairman Ron Paul joined Neil Cavuto to explain why foreign aid is counterproductive. As Dr. Paul has said numerous times, the government shouldn't take money from the poor in this country to give it to the rich (political class) [...]

CPAC Attendees Stand With Rand

Senator Paul rocked CPAC this afternoon with his speech, criticizing the expansion of executive power, and arguing for a return to first principles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3sSgGU2LSQ  

Glenn Jacobs Slams the National Internet Tax Mandate

"Don’t be fooled by its title," writes Glenn Jacobs, "the Marketplace Fairness Act is anything but fair." The Marketplace Fairness Act is being pushed by three US senators, Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, Mike Enzi, a Wyoming Republican, [...]

Vote Expected Tomorrow on Internet Sales Taxes

In case you missed the latest update on the National Internet Tax Mandate, I've copied John Tate's email in full below: Right now, big corporations are putting enormous pressure on your senators to hike your taxes and smother their smaller [...]

Attn: Senate Floor Vote on Internet Sales Tax

Sources indicate the Senate could vote on an amendment Wednesday to push forward with Internet sales taxes. The National Internet Tax Mandate, as it ought to be called, is the epitome of "taxation without representation." By overturning the [...]

ObamaCare, Crony Capitalists, and GOP Governors: A Love Story

Tim Carney of the Washington Examiner exposes how large insurance companies, PHARMA (the powerful lobbying arm of the pharmaceutical industry), and other major players in the health care industry have been lobbying GOP Governors to embrace [...]

Ron Paul on the Sequester and Wasteful Spending

In case you missed it, here is Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk column on the sequester. Dr. Paul highlights how the budget for the F-35 fighter plane – which has proven to be of questionable (to say the least) value [...]