National Blog - page 278
"The Drone Threat"
C4L Chairman Ron Paul's latest Texas Straight Talk column focuses on the President's dangerous drone program and the possibility of armed drones being used on U.S. soil: Last week, Senators threatened to put a “hold” on the nomination of [...]
Stop the Internet Tax Mandate
C4L President John Tate has a new op-ed in The Daily Caller today asking liberty-minded Americans to join Campaign for Liberty in fighting the new Internet Tax Mandate proposal currently in Congress. S. 336 and H.R. 684 would turn online [...]
Rand Paul to Put Hold on Brennan Nomination
On Wednesday, Senator Rand Paul announced he is planning to put a "hold" on John Brennan's nomination to be the next Director of the CIA. As liberty-minded Americans have raised concerns over Mr. Brennan's history of supporting executive power [...]
John Tate Responds to President Obama’s Executive Order on Cybersecurity
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Today, Campaign for Liberty released the following statement from John Tate in response to President Obama’s Executive Order on so-called “cybersecurity”: “Yesterday, President Obama unilaterally increased the [...]
C4L Chairman Ron Paul Responds to SOTU
C4L Chairman Ron Paul joined Stossel last night on Fox Business to respond to the President's State of the Union Address. Both parts embedded below the fold: Part 1 Watch the latest video at Part 2 Watch the latest [...]
America is Ready to Audit the Fed
By: David Heacock A quick search this morning for articles on the Federal Reserve returned some headlines that are telling of the public’s sentiment toward the Central Bank, namely: “Federal Reserve policies hurt the poor,” “Two Awful [...]
GOP Senate Leader McConnell seeking to get a vote on Audit the Fed
This morning, Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell told Louisville, Kentucky, radio talk-show host Mandy Connell that he was working with fellow Kentucky Senator Rand Paul to find a way around Harry Reid's obstructionism and force the [...]
Karl Rove's Campaign Against Liberty
... would be a better name than "Conservative Victory Fund" for Karl Rove's new organization - or maybe Karl Rove should call it the "Big Government Conservative Victory Fund." The new group's purpose is to ensure only candidates that Karl [...]
Hemp: America’s Growing Opportunity
By: David Heacock The use of industrial hemp has a rich heritage in America of providing people with inventive, affordable, and sustainable solutions to the needs of society. So, why has hemp production been virtually prohibited for decades in [...]
ICYMI: Senator Paul's SOTU Response
Senator Paul's delivered a response to the President's State of the Union address tonight. Below are the prepared remarks of his speech: I speak to you tonight from Washington, D.C. The state of our economy is tenuous but our people remain the [...]