National Blog - page 282
We're number 10!
The Heritage Foundation's 2013 Index of Economic Freedom ( has bad, but not surprising, news for the American people. Heritage's Index ranks the world's countries based on whether those countries respect the rule [...]
Wisconsin C4L Leader "Purged" From County GOP
Following up on last week's House GOP retreat, one area Republicans are not retreating from is purging members of the liberty movement from the party. Todd Welch, long-time C4L state coordinator in Wisconsin, recently received a letter from [...]
Obama inaugural and what it really represents
By John Watts It is predicted that somewhere in the neighborhood of 800,000 people will be attending the second inauguration of President Obama today. Few of the attendees, however, will be cognizant of what they are really in effect [...]
C4L President John Tate Blasts House GOP Plans to Cave In to Obama and Reid on Debt Ceiling
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Campaign for Liberty released the following statement from C4L President John Tate today blasting House GOP leadership after they announced a debt ceiling plan that indicates the GOP retreat will continue when they return [...]
Are Our Debts Impractical?
By: David Heacock The level of irony in Washington seems to have reached a new high this week. In the final press conference of his first term, President Obama stated “The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a [...]
Today's Floor Action - Updated
Busy day on both sides of Capitol Hill: The House is currently debating and will vote early today on suspending the debt ceiling for three months. C4L is urging a NO vote, and encouraging our members to contact their representative and tell them [...]
It Could All End Today
An important message from C4L President John Tate: Never-ending debt ceiling increases. Higher taxes. Out-of-control spending. Massive expansions of the police state. A Big Brother takeover of the Internet. Total gun bans... Senate Majority [...]
Ron Paul: Follow the Founders' Advice
On Friday, C4L Chairman Ron Paul appeared on Fox News' Your World w/Neil Cavuto to discuss the situation in Algeria.
Sayonara, Porno-Scanners!
Bloomberg reports this morning the TSA will remove the remaining 174 porno-scanners manufactured by Rapiscan from our nation's airports. After the company failed to meet a Congressionally-mandated timeline for creating a "privacy filter," [...]
"Ron Paul's Legacy"
On Wednesday, C4L Communications Director Megan Stiles appeared on HuffPost Live with Reason's Brian Doherty and Federalist Society member Stephen Sanders to discuss the "Ron Paul Legacy." With Dr. Paul serving as Chairman of Campaign for [...]