National Blog - page 285
Ron Paul's Audit the Fed in the 113th Congress!
Day one of the 113th Congress, and even though Dr. Paul is no longer in Congress, his influence clearly still is. Rep. Paul Broun (GA-10) has reintroduced Ron Paul's Audit the Fed as H.R. 24 and promises to "pick up where Ron Paul left off" [...]
Assuming Responsibility in an Irresponsible World
By Sam Aydlette “With great power comes great responsibility.” Uncle Ben utters these profound words in Stan Lee’s classic Spiderman comic book series. Although he is referring to his nephew’s new superpowers, [...]
New Year's Resolutions for Congress
Our Honorary Chairman, Congressman Ron Paul, has list of resolutions for the upcoming Congress in his latest Texas Straight Talk: As I prepare to retire from Congress, I’d like to suggest a few New Year’s resolutions for my colleagues to [...]
Guns Are Not the Problem, People Are
By Sam Aydlette "'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded." ~F.A. Hayek In the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings, there has been a flurry of calls for gun control. Senator [...]
Slave of the State: How Mandatory Government Service is Antithetical to Liberty
By Sam Aydlette While dining out with an old army buddy last Saturday, an intriguing conversation arose over the topic of compulsory service to the State. My friend argued that it would benefit young people if they were tasked to do some [...]
"We Are Already Over the Fiscal Cliff"
Below is a statement on H.R. 8, the so-called "fiscal cliff" "deal," from our Honorary Chairman Ron Paul: Statement on the Motion to Concur in the Senate Amendments to H.R. 8 We Are Already Over the Fiscal Cliff 2 January 2013 Despite [...]
Stop the Statists' Deal!
The latest email from C4L President John Tate focuses on the statists' deal concerning the so-called "fiscal cliff": The statists’ sweetheart “deal” they rammed through the U.S. Senate at 2 a.m. this morning – while they thought [...]
Too Much Bipartisanship
A common refrain from talking heads and pundits is that there is too little bipartisanship in Washington. However, Senate "debate" over the FISA Amendments Act reauthorization, and its passage by a vote of 73-23, showed that our Honorary [...]
Rand Paul Condemns Indefinite Detention
Referring to indefinite detention as "an abomination," Senator Paul urged his colleagues to vote against the FY 2013 NDAA Conference Report. Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed the [...]
John McCain Wants You Detained
The latest email from C4L President John Tate calls members to action against the government's desire to indefinitely detain American citizens: In their mad rush to get out of town before the holidays, the statists in Washington, D.C. are [...]