Ron Paul Statement on FISA Amendments Act Renewal

On Wednesday, September 12, the U.S. House voted 301-118 to renew the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 for five more years.  (You can see how your representative voted here.)  Before its passage, Congressman Ron Paul strongly condemned the [...]

"Do Women Earn Less than Men?"

During the Presidential debate last night, the issue of women's "pay inequality" in the workplace came up. But is there actually systemic discrimination against women in the workplace that leads them on average to receive about seventy-five cents [...]

Defending Liberty

A week before Rand Paul's filibuster of senate action forced a midnight vote on his amendment to restrict "foreign aid" to Libya, Pakistan, and Egypt, he addressed attendees at the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference. "You shouldn't have [...]

What Really Happened in Tampa?

David Warrington, an attorney with LeClairRyan, spoke to the Liberty Political Action Conference on September 15, 2012. He serves as General Counsel for Campaign for Liberty and served in that capacity for the Ron Paul 2012 presidential [...]

"More of the Same" or "Hope and Change"?

Jack Hunter, writing at the American Conservative Magazine discusses the recent reports that President Obama has doubled-down on Bush-era spying programs.

Fighting for Internet Freedom

Over the past few weeks, members from the House and Senate have been meeting trying to broker a last-minute "cybersecurity" deal! C4L has repeatedly warned that in addition to President Obama's draft-Executive Order, a last-minute deal was in [...]

Jeff Frazee at LPAC 2012

Young Americans for Liberty's Jeff Frazee discussed the creation of Campaign for Liberty and the founding of YAL after Ron Paul's 2008 Presidential run at the 2012 Liberty Political Action Conference. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT36C5wEg8g

Intern with Campaign for Liberty this Spring!

Campaign for Liberty is looking for dedicated, liberty-minded high school or college students to intern for our spring semester (January 7 – May 15). The responsibilities of this paid internship include answering phones, handling [...]

Changes to CampaignForLiberty.org

Thanks for your patience during the transition from CampaignForLiberty.com to CampaignForLiberty.org! Our transition’s final phase (in site appearance, hosting, etc…) has taken place, though we will continue to add new features to the final [...]

Liberty NewsWire: October 1, 2012

Bernanke sought to reassure investors that the timetable for keeping rates low "doesn't mean we expect the economy to be weak through 2015." Rather, he said the Fed expects to keep rates low well after the economy strengthens. - USA [...]