National Blog - page 93
Fly the Friendly Skies
One of the perks of being an elected official (or a staffer for an elected official) is taxpayer, or special interest, funded travel to exotic locations on fact-finding missions. While recent changes in the Congressional ethics rules have limited [...]
This Week in Congress
The House is not in session this week. The Senate will be in session and will be considering the Fiscal Year 2018 budget. Like the House-passed budget, the Senate provides for the use of “reconciliation" for tax relief. The budget slows for [...]
USA Liberty Act Meet the New Surveillance State
During the debate on the USA Freedom Act, my friend and former colleague, and current Ron Paul Senior Fellow Adam Dick quipped that Congress’s next phony civil liberties bill would be called the USA Liberty Act. Well Adam was a prophet. Last [...]
Ron Paul and Norm Singleton Statement on Trump Administration's Endorsement of Mandatory E-Verify
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and President Norm Singleton issued the following statement regarding the Trump Administration's endorsement of mandatory e-verify: Ron Paul— Mandatory E-Verify requires a national ID tied to a [...]
Will Tax Reform Increase or Limit Liberty?
President Trump and the congressional Republican leadership recently unveiled a tax reform “framework.” The framework has a number of provisions that will lower taxes on middle-class Americans. For example, the framework doubles the standard [...]
This Week in Congress Update
The Senate’s debate on the budget is heating up as Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham are working to increase military spending by busting the spending caps that limit spending. Fortunately, Senator Rand Paul is fighting to preserve the [...]
President Trump Beats War Drums for Iran
President Trump has been notoriously inconsistent in his foreign policy. He campaigned on and won the presidency with promises to repair relations with Russia, pull out of no-win wars like Afghanistan, and end the failed US policy of [...]
This Week in Congress Update
Today the House will consider H.R. 2266, legislation providing emergency disaster relief. The bill appropriates $36.6 billion in emergency funding broken down as follows: $518.7 billion for the Federal Emergency Relief Disaster [...]
This Week in Congress
The Senate is in recess this week. The House is in Tuesday through Friday. While not on the schedule, the House may vote on H.Con.Res. 81, a privileged resolution ordering the President to withdraw US troops from Yemen. The results should come [...]
Norm Singleton on National Security and Congressional Oversight
Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton recently spoke at a CATO panel on “National Security Oversight: Congressional Case Studies and Reform Prospects.” See the full speech here.