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Debt is the Real Pandemic
According to the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) latest “Update on the Budget Outlook,” this year’s $3.3 trillion federal deficit is not just three times larger than last year: it is the largest federal deficit in history. The CBO [...]

The Fed's Brilliant Plan? More Inflation and Higher Prices
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently announced that the Fed is abandoning “inflation targeting” where the Fed aims to maintain a price inflation rate of up to two percent. Instead, the Fed will allow inflation to remain above two [...]
A crash in the dollar is coming
1776. . . That's what the dollar price of gold hovered at over the recent 4th of July Holiday. With headlines like one from Bloomberg recently stating "A Crash in the Dollar is Coming," it shouldn't be a surprise precious metal values are [...]
Can the Fed Solve Climate Change
Remember Solyndra? That was the green energy company that received over half a BILLION taxpayer dollars in federal “loan guarantees” from the Obama stimulus plan . . . and then promptly went bankrupt. Solyndra became the [...]

This Week in Congres
This Week in Congress The U.S. House is in from Tuesday to Thursday. Right now, the only scheduled rules bill is H.R. 4863, which reauthorizes the Export-Import Bank and renames it the United States Export Finance Agency. The bill also makes [...]
The cure is worse than the disease
Forced vaccinations. . . Digital immunity certificates. . . This is what we face -- and it’s coming at us quickly. I'm very concerned politicians and Big Pharma are just a few short weeks away from stripping away your health freedom in [...]
Votes on police militarization in both House and Senate next week!
As you know, next week the Senate will vote on the Schatz-Paul amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act limiting the ability of local police departments to obtain offensive military weapons like generate launchers, tear gas, tanks, and [...]
This Week in Congress
The Senate is done with impeachment, so they are back to nominations. The House is in session Monday through Thursday. The House is currently scheduled to consider H.J.Res. 79, which removes the time limits for states to ratify the Equal Rights [...]
And Now: The Airing of Grievances. . .
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) celebrated Festivus, the “holiday” created by Seinfeld’s Frank Costanza, by airing his grievances in the form of a year-end edition of his Waste Report. Among the examples of wasteful spending that make Senator [...]
True Budget Hawks are Foreign Policy Doves
During my presidential campaigns, well-meaning supporters would sometimes suggest I stop emphasizing opposition to overseas intervention and focus on fiscal issues. I disregarded the advice, not only because adopting a noninterventionist foreign [...]