US Constitution - page 2

NSA cutting back on surveillance...not so much
The National Security Agency recently made headlines by promising to reduce the amount of information collected on American citizens. Specifically, the agency promised to no longer use Section 702 of the FISA Act -- which was intended to allow [...]

Second Amendment: The ultimate civil right
Since February is Black History Mouth, it's a good time to reread some articles on the role the second amendment played in the Civil Rights movement: Reminder: Guns Helped Secure the Freedom and Civil Rights of Black Americans (Reason [...]

Conventional Tyranny
The IRS isn't the only government agency that has a problem with the American tradition of anonymous political speech, prior to last week's RNC convention the Cleveland Police Chief issued a "warning" to protesters not to cover their [...]
NBC Interviews Edward Snowden
You can watch the full interview here.
"Ron Paul's Legacy"
On Wednesday, C4L Communications Director Megan Stiles appeared on HuffPost Live with Reason's Brian Doherty and Federalist Society member Stephen Sanders to discuss the "Ron Paul Legacy." With Dr. Paul serving as Chairman of Campaign for [...]

Will the Trump Administration Overdose on Authoritarianism?
Last week Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered federal prosecutors in drug cases to seek the maximum penalty authorized by federal mandatory minimum sentencing laws. Sessions’ order represents a setback to the progress made toward restoring [...]

A Chance to Learn About The Consitution
If you're in, or near, Mount Dora Florida on Saturday August 13 and Sunday August 14, you may want to attend "How Does the Constitution Help You? Pursue life, liberty, and happiness..." a one-day course in Constitutional law taught by [...]
President Obama's Comments at Selma
By Zac Nickerson President Obama made a telling comment in his speech in Selma, Alabama on Saturday. While commenting on the tragic events of that day in 1965, and the commemoration of its fifty year anniversary, he said, “What greater [...]
Rand Paul to filibuster Barron nomination over drones
Senator Rand Paul issued a statement yesterday saying he intends to filibuster Professor David Barron's nomination to the First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals: "I've read David Barron's memos concerning the legal justification for killing an [...]
Ron Paul Statement on FISA Amendments Act Renewal
On Wednesday, September 12, the U.S. House voted 301-118 to renew the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 for five more years. (You can see how your representative voted here.) Before its passage, Congressman Ron Paul strongly condemned the [...]