As you may recall, back in the spring Campaign for Liberty was fined by the IRS for failing to provide information on our top donors. After refusing to pay the fine, the IRS is now threatening to seize Campaign for Liberty's property if we do not pay up. Here is a copy of the letter we received from the IRS:
As I told the Washington Examiner back in April:
“There is no legitimate reason for the IRS to know who donates to Campaign for Liberty.”
“The IRS technically requires donor information from 501(c)(4) organizations and is forbidden by law from releasing it to the public, yet despite this they have ‘mistakenly’ released the information repeatedly over the years. Often these leaks have been made to political opponents of the conservative groups whose information was leaked. Leaking the donor information is intended to harass and to intimidate those donors from donating to political causes. Campaign for Liberty has refused to provide donor information to the IRS to protect the privacy of our members. Now the IRS has demanded the information and fined Campaign for Liberty for protecting its members’ privacy.”
Campaign for Liberty is preparing to fight a legal battle to not only defend our property but the rights of our donors to privacy and free speech. Listen to an important update from Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and our attorney Dave Warrington on the legal fight.