Our federal, state, and local governments are raking in billions of dollars by seizing cash and taking property of innocent citizens and selling it in order to fill their coffers.
Civil asset forfeiture laws represent a serious abuse of private property rights, and this gross abuse will continue if we don’t act now.
Using civil asset forfeiture, police and prosecutors can seize your property, sell it, and use the proceeds to fund government bureaucracies.
The owner of the property doesn’t need to be guilty of a crime, so authorities are able to seize your car, home, money, or valuables, with or without a warrant, even if you are innocent.
Civil asset forfeiture, which might better be described as “legal thievery,” has become big business for government at all levels, and it is currently generating billions of dollars annually.
There are many examples of innocent people being stripped of their money and property by federal, state, and local authorities, without due process, and it is time to fight back.
Please take action TODAY by signing the petition below.
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Stop "Policing for Profit" Petition
to My State Senator and the Governor
WHEREAS: Citizens are considered innocent until proven guilty; and
WHEREAS: The Constitution guarantees citizens due process; and
WHEREAS: Civil Forfeiture encourages law enforcement to "Police For Profit" and pursue property they can seize rather than actual criminals they plan to charge;
THEREFORE: We, the citizens of Nebraska DEMAND our rights to due process and private property be protected by ending Civil Forfeiture in Nebraska.