Dear Georgia Citizen,
For decades, our Georgia elected officials have created a tangled web of Criminal Safe Zones throughout the State of Georgia.
These Criminal Safe Zones empower criminals and weaken law-abiding individuals like you by making it unlawful to carry a firearm in these government-created zones.
In order to put pressure on our Georgia elected officials to repeal the laws which allow for Criminal Safe Zones in Georgia, please sign your End Criminal Safe Zones petition below.
In liberty,
Nathan Adams
State Coordinator
End Criminal Safe Zones Petition
Whereas: The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees each individual the right to keep and bear arms without infringement; and
Whereas: So-called “Gun Free Zones” -- or better named Criminal Safe Zones -- leave law-abiding citizens helpless to defend themselves against bloodthirsty criminals; and
Whereas: From the Columbine Massacre, to the Virginia Tech Massacre, to the Fort Hood Massacre, to the Aurora Massacre, and now to the Sandy Hook Massacre, killers virtually always choose Criminal Safe Zones for their killing sprees; and
Whereas: Instead of restoring our Second Amendment rights, government bureaucracies are constantly trying push the legal “envelope” by dramatically expanding these Criminal Safe Zones;
Therefore: I demand you stop any efforts to expand Criminal Safe Zones and instead cosponsor and seek roll-call votes on legislation repealing existing ones. |