Whereas: The Wyoming Business Council breeds favoritism and corporate cronyism by providing subsidies to for-profit private businesses and private corporations, creating unfair competition; and
Whereas: The Wyoming Business Council’s subsidies take revenue from our declining state coffers, which belong to the taxpayers of Wyoming, and transfers them to unaccountable business entities; and
Whereas: The Wyoming Business Council undermines honest and transparent governance, and is antithetical to the idea of free markets by picking winner and losers; and
Whereas: The State of Wyoming appropriated over $102,000,000 in the 2015-2016 budget bill to the Wyoming Business Council to spend on government, corporate, and private welfare programs; and
Whereas: The subsidies given out by the Wyoming Business Council, all in the name of economic development, distort the free market and are provided to businesses who cannot obtain their own funding.
Therefore: We, the undersigned, demand that our elected officials vote to defund the Wyoming Business Council.