No National Internet Tax Petition to:
Representatives Capito and McKinley
Whereas: Tax-and-spenders in Congress never stop looking for ways to pick Americans’ pockets with higher taxes; and
Whereas: The National Internet Tax Mandate will turn the Commerce Clause on its head, cripple small businesses, hurt the American taxpayer, and destroy Internet privacy; and
Whereas: Under the National Internet Tax Mandate, West Virginia residents would see their taxes go up as state tax agencies work across state lines to implement a sales tax on ALL goods purchased online; and
Whereas: New and higher taxes would CRUSH economic growth and set the stage for massive new regulations that threaten the very existence of the Internet; and
Whereas: The National Internet Tax Mandate would open the door for tax agencies to track and monitor all purchases made online by Americans.
Therefore: As your constituent, I demand you vote against the National Internet Tax Mandate (H.R. 684) or any other bill to tax online purchases.