Founding Fathers James Madison and Colonel George Mason agreed that a constitutional convention (ConCon) under Article V could be a runaway convention. Furthermore, many Convention of States supporters in the Kansas Legislature have voted for ObamaCare expansion with taxpayer funding for abortion, for tax hikes, and to directly violate the Kansas Constitution! One Kansas legislator gleefully remarked that amendments regarding abortion and rewriting the 2nd Amendment could happen at a convention called as a result of the Convention of States' application, contrary to the claims of those behind the scheme!
Our precious U.S. Constitution does not need amending, especially by ConCon supporters who want to destroy it. We must defend, enforce, and restore our Constitution!
To My Kansas Legislators:
WHEREAS: ConCon proponents have supported tax hikes and ObamaCare expansion with taxpayer-funded abortion and some have publicly admitted their goal to stray outside of the stated reasons for the call to establish abortion as a constitutional right and rewrite the Second Amendment; and
WHEREAS: ConCon supporters in 2021 and 2022 schemed to “pass” their resolution with a simple majority, in violation of the Kansas Constitution’s requirement for a supermajority; and
WHEREAS: Scholars, including past Supreme Court justices, have declared that a constitutional convention, once called, cannot be limited -- even if the calling instructions attempt to do so; and
WHEREAS: With rampant and brazen disregard for election integrity and blatantly unconstitutional shutdowns occurring in 49 states, we should expect these same statist swamp creatures to also control a constitutional convention; and
WHEREAS: The money and influence of special interests, including George Soros and leftist organizations like Wolf PAC, could overwhelm a convention; and
WHEREAS: This could destroy any remaining restraint protecting election integrity, free speech, freedom of religion, free press, the right to keep and bear arms, free markets, and other cherished protections.
THEREFORE: I demand that my State Senator and Representative REJECT any resolution or legislation applying for an Article V Constitutional Convention.