Whereas: The Tenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States reads as follows: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"; and
Whereas: The Tenth Amendment assures that we, the people of the United States of America and each sovereign state in the Union of States, now have and have always had rights the federal government may not usurp; and
Whereas: The federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA”), also known as ObamaCare, attempts to lure the states into expanding their Medicaid programs, which is optional under ObamaCare, by promising to pay a higher percentage for able-bodied individuals than for those on traditional Medicaid, such as elderly and disabled individuals; and
Whereas: Wyoming taxpayers will bear the burden of paying 100% of new administrative expenses, in addition to millions of dollars every year for new, able-bodied enrollees, which our state cannot afford; and
Whereas: Expanding Medicaid entitlements will cause irreparable harm to Wyoming taxpayers and our state’s health care; and
Whereas: Certain Wyoming legislators are working diligently to bring Medicaid expansion to Wyoming.
Therefore, be it resolved that we, the citizens of the great state of Wyoming, demand that our State Representatives and State Senators actively oppose and vote “NO” on any proposal that attempts to expand Medicaid in Wyoming; and
Be it further resolved that we demand Governor Gordon halt any support for ObamaCare by terminating all plans to expand Medicaid in Wyoming.