Whereas: Congress snuck the Real ID Act into a military spending bill in 2005, and
Whereas: The Department of Homeland Security has announced that all states must comply with Real ID by the end of this year, and
Whereas: The Real ID Act established federal “standards” for driver’s licenses that may include “biometric” features, and
Whereas: Citizens in states that do not comply with the Real ID could lose their right to board an airplane, open a bank account, or even hold a job, and
Whereas: The Real ID Act requires personal information on American citizens be stored in a massive federal database where it can be shared with federal agencies, state governments, and even foreign governments, and
Whereas: Real ID gives the federal government new powers to monitor the actions of American citizens in direct violation of their constitutional rights.
Therefore, I urge you to cosponsor the Repeal ID Act (S. 126), which will fully repeal Section II of the Real ID Act of 2005 and eliminate the need for a national ID card, and work to bring this bill to the floor of the U.S. Senate.