Although St. Louis Circuit Judge Steven Ohmer invalidated the city’s Red Light Camera Ordinance, St. Louis Mayor Slay plans to appeal the decision and continue issuing tickets, collecting fines, and reporting unpaid tickets to collection agencies until the appeal is decided. In response to political pressure, Judge Ohmer put his own order on a temporary hold to give time for an appeal.
Tell Mayor Slay to quit wasting taxpayer dollars appealing Judge Ohmer’s decision and permanently abolish the use of Red Light Cameras in city limits!
Whereas: Red Light Cameras are a direct violation of rights protected by the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution; and
Whereas: Red Light Cameras are detrimental to safety, because they are placed in dangerous locations where signal timing has been altered to increase revenues; and
Whereas: Studies have shown that the use of Red Light Cameras increases accidents, contradicting the claims made by the private companies who operate them; and
Whereas: Evidence shows that Red Light Cameras are being used to generate funds, and not to promote safety, as claimed by legislators and local officials; and
Whereas: The City of St. Louis continues to seek avenues to fund their out-of-control spending rather than make necessary cuts: and
Whereas: The Eastern District of the Missouri Appellate Court voided the City's ordinance in June 2013 in Smith v City of St. Louis; and
Whereas: The Western District of the Missouri Appellate Court voided Kansas City's nearly identical ordinance, which Kansas City ceased enforcing; and
Whereas: St. Louis Circuit Judge Steven Ohmer invalidated the city’s Red Light Camera ordinance in his order dated February 11, 2014, prohibiting the city from attempting to enforce the ordinance, send violation notices, process payments, or sending collection letters relating to the tickets.
Therefore, be it resolved that we, the undersigned urge Mayor Slay to uphold St. Louis Circuit Judge Steven Ohmer’s order regarding Red Light Cameras and permanently abolish the use of Red Light Cameras in city limits.