Dear Missouri Patriot,
Common Core is a massive acceleration to the federal government takeover of education, and it will be devastating to your future, whether you have children or not.
Common Core is a major step toward total state control of our children.
For decades, America’s educational standards have been in decline, with each generation of leaders being less prepared and less educated than the ones before it. And the downhill spiral started when the federal government first started interfering.
Now the federal government wants to dictate the testing standards for all of the states, which will lead to curricula that “teaches to the tests.”
Please sign the petition below and demand that our state legislators support legislation that would stop the implementation of Common Core in Missouri.
In Liberty,
Lucas Staus
Jackson County Campaign for Liberty
Petition to Stop Common Core in Missouri
We, the undersigned, oppose federal encroachments on local education systems.
And we, the undersigned, oppose any and all top-down, one-size-fits-all approaches to educating our children.
And we, the undersigned, oppose the Department of Education's attempt to establish a national curriculum and standardized testing standard.
And we, the undersigned, demand that Missouri refrain from providing any additional funding, above the State required minimum, to Missouri Schools while Common Core Standards are implemented.
And we, the undersigned, ask our State legislators to introduce and support legislation repealing Common Core Standards in Missouri.
And we, the undersigned, demand that Missouri immediately suspend all activities related to the development and implementation of Common Core Standards.