Whereas: The states of Texas, Virginia, Idaho, Maine, Wyoming, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Oklahoma, and many others have wisely refused to expand ObamaCare's socialized healthcare program within their state; and
Whereas: Expanding Medicaid entitlements will cause irreparable long-term harm to Alaska's economy; and
Whereas: Expanding socialized healthcare in Alaska will create incentives to waste medical services, overburdening our limited hospitals and emergency rooms, creating shortages; and
Whereas: Expanding ObamaCare to able-bodied men and women who choose not to work encourages poverty; and
Whereas: ObamaCare expansion in Alaska will create a "Welfare Cliff" and penalize those in the program who pursue work; and
Whereas: Governor Walker declared publicly that he will expand ObamaCare over the objection of the Alaska State House and Senate; and
Whereas: Forbes Magazine recently declared: "It’s time for lawmakers to remind Governor Walker that Alaska has more than one branch of government and stop him from abusing his executive authority with a unilateral ObamaCare expansion."
Therefore: The Alaska Legislature should immediately call a special session to stop ObamaCare expansion in Alaska once and for all!