Stop The Nanny Regulations!
Whereas: The City Council of Kansas City is attempting to create new regulations on the hospitality industry; and
Whereas: The City Council is taking aim at the hospitality industry with “nanny state” regulations, which will create an unnecessary burden that will inevitably result in driving jobs and industry out of the city limits to avoid these draconian regulations; and
Whereas: With greater frequency, consumers make decisions on where to stay by the myriad of tools available for free on the Internet and are not dependent on a government bureaucrat's stamp of approval that a hotel or restaurant is clean; and
Whereas: There is a large amount of antidotal evidence which shows that when government bureaucrats expand regulations, these are often tools of corruption and cronyism, which destroys consumer choice.
Therefore, I demand that the City Council of Kansas City immediately stop pursuing more nanny regulations on our businesses and residences, refrain from attempting to generate additional funding for the city by burdening businesses with more unnecessary permitting and regulation, and ask the City Council to begin repealing unnecessary permitting and licensing on all current and future business.