Whereas: State funding for highways and roads already comes from the state 20 cents per gallon motor fuel tax and the federal 18.4 cents per gallon motor fuel tax and vehicle registrations.
Whereas: The Republican Party platform states: "We oppose the use of taxpayer money to subsidize, guarantee, prop-up, or bail out any toll projects, whether public or private, and we call upon both state and federal lawmakers to adequately fund our highways without hidden taxes, tolls, or raiding emergency funds."
Whereas: Tolling these roads is a double taxation scheme.
Whereas: Toll roads in Texas have proven to be a never ending source of additional taxes on drivers and taxpayers.
Whereas: Toll roads too often sell road builds with public funds to private interests.
Whereas: Governor Abbott campaigned on fixing Texas roads without adding new tolls.
Therefore, be it resolved: We, the undersigned, demand Governor Abbott keep his campaign promise of no new toll roads, that all local county commissioners and any other elected or appointed officials with authority over this project reject tolling SH 249. Furthermore, we affirm the fact that TXDOT has the responsibility to fund, build, and maintain the 3.6 mile extension of state highway 249 located within Montgomery County without any tolls.