Whereas: Congress created the Federal Reserve in 1913, and
Whereas: In the 109 years since its creation, the value of the dollar has fallen by over 96%, and
Whereas: Inflation is at the highest level in 40 years, and
Whereas: Inflation destroys buying power for workers, forcing families to choose between essentials such as eating, buying medicine, and staying warm, and
Whereas: Cheap fiat currency has caused a huge federal debt and devastating boom and bust economic cycles, and
Whereas: This nation’s founders warned that paper money, such as our fiat currency, would divide the nation and destroy our morals, and
Whereas: Kansas's Legal Tender Act would allow for competing currencies, protect Kansas citizens from the ill effects of Federal Reserve policy, and attract new investments and jobs to Kansas, among other benefits.
Therefore: I demand that my Kansas state legislators vote “YES” on the Kansas Legal Tender Act at every opportunity.