This Week in Congress

The House is in session from Tuesday through Friday. On Wednesday the House Committee on Agriculture will mark-up the farm bill. The vote is expected to be contentious as Democrats object to changes in the SNAP or “food stamps" program.

Fiscal conservatives may be more concerned with provisions in the bill increasing the amount of subsidies available to millionaire farmers operating as a “pass through entry” such as a limited liability corporation or and S-corporation to revive increased government subsidies. The new bill also broadens the definition of “Family farmer” eligible for community payments to include nieces, nephews, and first cousins of farmers as long as they contribute to farm management.

Among the bills the House will consider is H.R. 4, which renews the program of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The bill also contains provisions making changes to the federal disaster relief aimed at increasing focus of federal disaster aide to mitigation.

The House will also consider H.R. 5447, legislation changing copyright law by, among other things, providing a new system for blanket licensing of music for digital purposes and providing a new system for “legacy” artists (those who recorded between 1923 and 1972) to collect royalties for their work.

The House will also consider the following bills under suspension:

  1. S. 447– Requires the State Department to file an annual report on efforts to return stolen property to Holocaust victims and their families.

  1. H.R. 4744– Imposes sanctions on Iranians involved in the Iran violation of human rights, hostage taking, and other actions. The bill does not specify what evidence is required to subject someone to the sanctions other than saying the President should draw up a list.

  1. H.R. 4681– Limits assistance to areas of Syria controlled by government in order to help ISIS (Oops I mean spread democracy).

  1. H.R. 5086– Requires the National Science Foundation to develop an innovative course to support innovative ideas and products that are ready for commercialization. Cause government bureaucrats are the best at picking the innovative products of the future.

  1. H.R. 2808– authorizes the Department of  Space Commerce to issue certifications to U.S. nationals and nongovernmental entities for the operation of: (1) specified human-made objects manufactured or assembled in outer space, including on the Moon and other celestial bodies, with or without human occupants, that were launched from Earth; and (2) all items carried on such objects that are intended for use in outer space. To be eligible for certification, each entity's application must include a space debris mitigation plan for the space objects.

The bill also creates a Private Space Activity Advisory Committee to: (1) analyze the status and recent developments of nongovernmental space activities, and (2) advise on matters relating to U.S. private sector activities in outer space.

The bill authorizes the office to issue permits to persons for the operation of space-based remote sensing systems.

The office shall establish an Advisory Committee on Commercial Remote Sensing to advise on matters relating to the U.S. commercial space-based remote sensing industry.

The bill abolishes the Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs Office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

So to explore the final frontier you need permission from the government.


  1. H.Con.Res 111– supports efforts to bring the World Cup to the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

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