By Author "C4L Member"
Ron Paul: Campaign for Liberty supports Massie-Gabbard legislation protecting freedom of the press
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement in support of H.Res. 1175, legislation upholding the First Amendment by calling for an end to the prosecution of Julian Assange: “As I wrote in a recent column regarding [...]
Don't Fall For the Con-Con Con
I have some bad news to report. S. 401, a bill applying for an Article V Constitutional Convention, is scheduled for a hearing TOMORROW, October 12, in the Massachusetts Committee on Election Laws. I need your help to stop it. Every [...]
VA Senate to Vote on Constitutional Carry Today?
Dear Friend,S.B. 48 was read for the second time yesterday and will be voted on TODAY, January 27!Your immediate action is CRITICAL to passing Constitutional Carry in the Virginia Senate.Call your State Senator IMMEDIATELY and tell them to [...]
What is Wayne Powell hiding?
Dear Friend, I don't know about you, but I don't trust a candidate for public office who won't give straight answers to simple questions. For instance: "Will you support a “Constitutional Carry” bill that would allow any law-abiding [...]
What is Jill McCabe hiding?
Dear Friend, I don't know about you, but I don't trust a candidate for public office who won't give straight answers to simple questions. For instance: "Will you support a “Constitutional Carry” bill that would allow any law-abiding [...]
How Liberty Dies
By S. Chris Anders In Star Wars, Episode III, Senator Padme Amidala utters “so this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause,” as the intergalactic senate votes unlimited powers to the chief executive and it turns out really, really [...]

Emmett Hanger Kills Constitutional Carry
I have some bad news. You still have to ask the state for permission if you want to carry a concealed weapon to protect yourself and your family, thanks to Senator Emmett Hanger’s (R-Augusta) vote against S.B. 48. Senator Hanger voted [...]
Virginia ConCon
Dear Patriot, Your General Assembly is considering a dangerous measure that may spell the end for our Constitution as we know it. Delegate L. Scott Lingamfelter(R-31), has introduced a dangerous Article V reform plan, HJR 3, in the Virginia [...]
What is Jennifer Wexton hiding?
Dear Friend, I don't know about you, but I don't trust a candidate for public office who won't give straight answers to simple questions. For instance: "Will you support a “Constitutional Carry” bill that would allow any law-abiding [...]
What are they hiding?
Dear Friend, I don't know about you, but I don't trust a candidate for public office who won't give straight answers to simple questions. For instance: "Will you support a “Constitutional Carry” bill that would allow any law-abiding [...]