New CBO report good for political posturing, useless for understanding economic malaise

By John Watts This week, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a new report projecting budgetary and economic trends for the next ten years. The CBO does not officially represent either the Democratic or Republican [...]

Restoring the Founders' Vision of Foreign Policy

By: David Heacock As a participant in C4L’s intern program, I am privileged to be able to take part in the fight for liberty in Washington while also being able to attend some unique events. One thing I’m really looking forward to is [...]

Filibusters: Good for restraining government

By John Watts The fresh faces of the Democrat side in the Senate, and many others on the left in general, are already frustrated with their majority leader, Senator Harry Reid. They are frustrated with Reid’s reticence to ram Senate rules [...]

Obama inaugural and what it really represents

By John Watts It is predicted that somewhere in the neighborhood of 800,000 people will be attending the second inauguration of President Obama today. Few of the attendees, however, will be cognizant of what they are really in effect [...]

The Road to a Single-payer System is Paved with Good Intentions

By: David Heacock When government throws money at a problem, prices go up. And often, the problem gets worse. This is what we’re beginning to see with the implementation of The Affordable Care Act in the new calendar year. While most of the [...]

Audit the Fed will dispel misconceptions about central banking

By John Watts Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is continuing the fight against the United States’ inherently corrupt, obstinate cartel banking-system by re-introducing the Federal Reserve Transparency Act (S. 209). Supporting the Federal Reserve [...]

The Next Generation of Surveillance

By: David Heacock This past week on PBS’ NOVA, the public was given an insight into what’s being called “The Next Generation of Surveillance.”  ARGUS-IS, or Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System, is an [...]

American intervention in North Africa: creating more "blowback"?

By John Watts Senator Rand Paul made a forceful debut on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday in hearings on the Benghazi disaster in which four Americans, including the US Ambassador to Libya, were murdered by Muslim [...]

Are Our Debts Impractical?

By: David Heacock The level of irony in Washington seems to have reached a new high this week. In the final press conference of his first term, President Obama stated “The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a [...]

Voting Against Sandy Relief is the Only Moral Option

By: John Watts When the House returns to session next week, one of the first items on the agenda will be whether or not a further $51 billion should be allocated to relief for Superstorm Sandy.  The President has already signed into law $9.7 [...]