Beware of "benign" gun control legislation

By John Watts Don’t allow the punditry to fool you – serious gun control efforts have not lost momentum. Legislative efforts to restrict Americans from possessing firearms are not dead by any stretch of the imagination. Predictably, a [...]

America's Looming "Stimulus Trap"

By: David Heacock Peter Schiff, Austrian economist and CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, just released an article that methodically analyzes the United States economy’s credit conundrum. He critiques the Keynesian belief that an economy cannot [...]

3 Truths Ignored by the Feinstein Gun Bill

By: David Heacock The debate over gun control heated up this week as California Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced her so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban of 2013. The proposed bill would ban the sale, transfer, manufacturing, and importation [...]

FISA’s Warrantless Wiretapping Lives On

By: David Heacock On Monday, the Supreme Court rejected an initiative by a group of attorneys, journalists, and advocates to limit the expansion of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). While the court was not directly considering [...]

America is Ready to Audit the Fed

By: David Heacock A quick search this morning for articles on the Federal Reserve returned some headlines that are telling of the public’s sentiment toward the Central Bank, namely: “Federal Reserve policies hurt the poor,” “Two Awful [...]

Texas Looks to Reclaim its Gold

By: David Heacock While Cyprus and other EU countries plunder their citizens’ bank accounts, the state of Texas seems to be making an unprecedented move towards insuring the wealth of its people. A Texas lawmaker recently announced [...]

Learn how to explode economic fallacies

by John Watts Senator Elizabeth Warren, (D-MA), recently suggested in committee that if the federal minimum wage kept pace with production increases over the last 30-plus years, it would today be around $22 instead of the current [...]

Drone, baby, drone... If you want more terrorists

By John Watts South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham recently told a home state audience that the United States has killed over 4,700 people using drone strikes since their introduction into use. Senator Graham’s remarks drew a wide array [...]

Like an Addict, DC is Out of Touch with Reality

By John Watts As usual, “histrionics” and high drama are being played up in Washington, D.C. this week, as Obama paints Republicans as reckless for not returning to the negotiating table with purportedly horrific sequestration cuts [...]

Hemp: America’s Growing Opportunity

By: David Heacock The use of industrial hemp has a rich heritage in America of providing people with inventive, affordable, and sustainable solutions to the needs of society. So, why has hemp production been virtually prohibited for decades in [...]