By Author "John McCardell"

Federal Reserve’s Rate Increases: Too Little Too Late?
The Federal Reserve’s recent 0.75 percent increase in its “benchmark” interest rate is the Fed’s highest rate increase since 1994. This increase is a sign that the Fed has finally realized that price inflation is more persistent and [...]
Tell Congress: Stop the PATRIOT PURGE
It’s now a full year since Joe Biden took office, and for a full year, the administration has waged total war on everything Americans hold sacred, from our dearest personal liberties to our security and prosperity. We won a great victory [...]
URGENT: Chuck Schumer on the march
Senate Democrats are going all-in on their plan to gut the Senate filibuster. If they succeed, they will then immediately pass legislation to gut election integrity laws in all fifty states. And then they will pass every other item on their [...]
“Eventually, they run out of other people’s money and then they come for you.”
Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is at the top of the world’s richest people list these days. He also knows once the government institutes a tax, it’s very difficult to un-do it. If anything, they’ll expand the scope of who is being [...]
Stop $3.5 TRILLION Waste
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is twisting arms as we speak in an attempt to ram through another disastrous round of spending, despite growing opposition in her own party. Not to mention the rampant inflation that is everywhere you look, [...]
Yes, they want to microchip you
The globalists are making no secret about their plans to be able to track your every move and whether you've been vaccinated and what medications you are taking. At the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland this past week, [...]
Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory
A lot of organizations from the right, for lack of a better word, have declared victory and packed up for home on the Senate filibuster, foolishly believing mass media reports. On Sunday, Hillary Clinton's failed 2016 running mate, Senator Tim [...]
Take Action Against Federal Vaccine Database
H.R. 550, the so-called Immunization Infrastructure Modernization act, was passed by a very large majority through Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) House with little fanfare. 80 Republican turncoats joined the Democrats to create this federal [...]
You still need a warrant
The government is famous for taking a mile (or more) when you give them an inch. Case in point is their latest attempt to get into our personal lives without proper authority or reason. As a part of the multi-trillion dollar reconciliation [...]
ACTION: Don't be fooled
The political class was planning all along to ram through their so-called “Human Infrastructure” bill while they distract you with a “compromise” bill. It’s everything but. Like an addict, once they get the roughly $1 Trillion [...]