By Author "Shawn_Dow"

A Pledge to Honor the Oath Sworn to the 4th Amendment by Congress
With all the recent admissions of broad-reaching warrantless surveillance on American citizens, which bureaucrats and elected officials are attempting to justify under the guise of national security, some of them sadly need a reminder of what [...]
Red light camera ban Bill wording
Prohibiting the Use of Photo Enforcement Systems. A. No traffic complaint, notice of violation or other legal form of civil or criminal charge or citation shall be issued or filed in the state of Arizona for an alleged violation of this Title [...]
The Jerry Doyle Show
Jerry Doyle Show and Campaign for Liberty Thanks again to Jerry Doyle for keeping the push back by Campaign for Liberty and War On Driving against the proliferation of scameras on high alert. We are winning!
Red Light Camera Studies show increase in accidents
A 2008 University of South Florida report found: “Comprehensive studies conclude cameras actually increase crashes and injuries, providing a safety argument not to install them…. public policy should avoid conflicts of interest that [...]