Federal Reserve - page 3

Ron Paul's Weekly Column: The Last Fed Chairman?
Last week the Senate confirmed Jerome Powell as Federal Reserve Chairman by a vote of 84-13. This is in contrast to the contentious debates and closer votes over Janet Yellen’s confirmation in 2014 and Ben Bernanke’s confirmation for a second [...]

Trump’s Fed Picks? More of the Same!
This week President Trump revealed his final five candidates for Federal Reserve chair. Disappointingly, but not surprisingly, all five have strong ties to the financial and political establishment. The leading candidates are former Federal [...]

Ron Paul and Norm Singleton Praise passage of Arizona "Metals are Money" law
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty President Norman Singleton issued the following statements regarding the Arizona Legislature's passage -- and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey's signing -- of HB 2014. HB 2014 [...]

Campaign for Liberty President Norman Singleton's testimony before Congress
Below is my official statement before the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. If you have not yet seen the hearing, you can watch it here. The opportunity to testify before the Oversight Committee was a [...]

Arizona Challenges the Fed’s Money Monopoly
History shows that, if individuals have the freedom to choose what to use as money, they will likely opt for gold or silver. Of course, modern politicians and their Keynesian enablers despise the gold or silver standard. This is because [...]

Ron Paul and Norman Singleton on Jerome Powell’s Confirmation Hearings
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty President Norman Singleton made the following statements regarding yesterday's Senate Banking Committee hearing on Jerome Powell, President Trump’s nomination to replace Janet [...]

Janet Yellen: False Prophet of Prosperity
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen recently predicted that, thanks to the regulations implemented after the 2008 market meltdown, America would not experience another economic crisis “in our lifetimes.” Yellen’s statement should send [...]

Ron and Rand Paul: Now is the Time to Audit the Fed
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and Senator Rand Paul recently co-wrote an editorial for RARE Liberty laying out the case for passage of the Audit the Fed bill this year. Campaign for Liberty is working to get a majority of the House to [...]
Statement on House Committee Markup of Audit the Fed
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton issued the following statements regarding the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's markup of Audit the Fed (H.R. 24) on Tuesday, March [...]

The Federal Reserve Explained in Three Minutes
Our friends at the Ron Paul Liberty Report have posed a very informational and entertaining video explaining how the Federal Reserve--and its favorite crony capitalists-- profit by facilitating the growth of the welfare-warfare state. Watch [...]