Ron Paul: Will Congress Liberate Hearing Aids?

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently wrote an op-ed for Town Hall on the battle to allow Americans to obtain hearing aides without seeking permsion form a government licensed dispenser. Read the article here and below. The House [...]

We Must Declare Independence

As Independence Day comes around again we should spend a few moments between barbecue and fireworks to think about the meaning of independence. The colonists who rebelled against the British Crown were, among other things, unhappy about taxation. [...]

10-month old sentenced to death by Court of Human Rights

I am not exaggerating or being hyperbolic with that headline. Charlie Gard is a ten-month old with a rare genetic disorder and brain damage. His parents wanted to take him to the United Sates for a therapy trial. But doctors at the British [...]

This week in Congress

The big action this week is the Senate vote on their non-repeal, non-replace Obamacare bill. The bill remains a "work in progress," and is likely to remain so until the final vote, as Senate leadership cuts deals to get the votes needed to pass [...]

Liberty at the Movies: Get Out

Get Out has been the surprise hit of the winter. A low-budget horror movie, it has grossed almost $200 million at the box office. The film is an excellent horror movie, which pays homage and makes good use of numerous horror-movie standards -- [...]

Will the budget OD on war on opioids?

Even though Congress is home for the Fourth of July "district work period," work is continuing on hammering out a deal on ObamaCare "replacement" legislation. Senator Rand Paul has suggested that all the deal making has turned the bill into [...]

GOP: ObamaCare today, ObamaCare tomorrow, ObamaCare forever.

As the Senate continues working on on ObamaCare retention  bill -- details of which should be released by the close of business today -- some Republican Senators are actually pushing for retention of some of ObamaCare's tax [...]

REINing in the Federal Government

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance. That quote from the Declaration of Independence could be uttered by any American who has had an encounter with [...]

Republican Healthcare Plan Fails the ‘Jimmy Kimmel Test’

This week the Senate Republican leadership unveiled its Obamacare replacement plan. Like its House counterpart, the misnamed Senate plan retains most of Obamacare’s core features. Both the House and Senate plans allow states to obtain [...]

Ron Paul and Norm Singleton on the Republican Health Care Bill

Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and President Norm Singleton issued the following statement on the Republican Senate health care bill: Ron Paul -- Like their colleagues in the House, the Senate Republican leadership has squandered an [...]