USA FREEDOM may bring bulk collection back from the dead

Not even George Orwell could make this stuff up..... Next time someone tries to tell you that the USA FREEDOM Act somehow protects our liberty, remind them that bill is actuality being used by the Obama Administration to justify resuming bulk [...]

Who closed the NDAA mark-up?

Following passage of the misnamed "USA FREEDOM Act," the United States Senate has turned its attention to the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This bill was marked up in secret, following a roll-call vote that was  taken several [...]

Congress to vote on American Community Survey this week

This week, the House of Representatives will consider the Commerce, Justice, State, Appropriations bill. Texas Representative Ted Poe will offer an amendment to the bill denying funding for the American Community Survey (ACS). The ACS is an [...]

Do Americans support the Surveillance State?

Spoiler Alert: NO Pew Research Center recently released the results of a survey on Americans attitude toward the Surveillance State and the results where quite interesting: Overall, Americans hold nuanced views on the issue: A majority is [...]

RON PAUL: Ex-Im Bank is Welfare for the One Percent

This month Congress will consider whether to renew the charter of the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank). Ex-Im Bank is a New Deal-era federal program that uses taxpayer funds to subsidize the exports of American businesses. Foreign businesses, [...]

While you weren't looking Congress endorsed Global ID cards

This week the US House passed the "Girls Count Act "(S. 802), legislation that already passed the Senate and so was sent  directly to the President for his signature. This legislation passed the House last November, but was not  taken up by the [...]

TSA Fails to Detect Bombs 95 Percent of the Time

Not that we are surprised but according to a recent internal study by the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA failed to detect fake bombs and explosives 95 percent of the time. From NBC News:  In all, so-called "Red Teams" of Homeland [...]

WATCH: Thomas Massie's Epic Speech on the Patriot Act

Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) gave an excellent speech yesterday on the House floor about why the Patriot Act violates the Constitution and our civil liberties. Watch below:  

Patriot Act Expires

SPRINGFIELD, Virginia - Today, Campaign for Liberty applauded Senator Rand Paul for forcing three controversial surveillance provisions to expire, rather than allow the NSA to continue spying on millions of innocent Americans without cause and [...]

LIVE BLOG: Patriot Act Showdown!

Welcome! C4L Staff, Norm Singleton, Tim Shoemaker, and Megan Stiles will be live blogging the action in the Senate tonight here. Be sure to hit refresh! Also there is still time to call your Senators and tell them to vote NO: [...]