The House will be voting on the bipartisan  Massie-Lofgren amendment forbidding the use of taxpayer dollars for warrantless searches between 1:30-2:30 EST. If you have done so yet please call your Representative and tell them to vote for this [...]

Campaign for Liberty supports bipartisan amendment to end warrantless searches

Campaign for Liberty has joined a broad-based coalition of groups in sending a letter to the House leadership in support of an amendment being offered by a bipartisan group of legislators (led by Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie and California [...]

Want to pay for the Roads? Sell the Federal Lands

Last month,  the Senate passed legislation extending the authorization of the Highway Trust Fund for two months. Extending the trust fund is considered must-pass legislation because without the federal government, who would build the [...]

Is Bob Dylan a supply-sider?

Maybe not, but the legendary singer-songwriter sort of sounds like one in this interview with the AARP magazine  (hat/ tip: Rolling Stone): "The government's not going to create jobs," he said. "It doesn't have to. People have to create jobs, [...]

Did Freedom Act kill Freedom?

According to Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity it did: By a vote of 67-32 the Senate today passed the USA FREEDOM Act, just days after the expiration of key elements of the USA PATRIOT Act. The FREEDOM Act is [...]

Obama to GOP: Raise spending on Warfare and Welfare

President Obama has issued a veto threat for the Fiscal Year 2016 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill (HR 2685). President Obama objects to the $38 billion in Overseas Contingency Operations (or"global war on terror") funding included in [...]

Will the Fed take orders from the IMF?

Maybe... International Monetary Fund President Christine Leadgard has some advice for Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen: do not raise interest rates: The International Monetary Fund wants the Federal Reserve to wait until 2016 before it [...]

Soros Pushes US Bailouts and Weapons for Ukraine

If you look at the track record of the interventionists you might think they would pause before taking on more projects. Each of their past projects has ended in disaster yet still they press on. Last week the website Zero Hedge posted a report [...]

Pentagon wants less transparency, Campaign for Liberty disagrees

Campaign for Liberty has joined a collation in of groups from across the political spectrum in opposing adding language to the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) changing the rules governing how the Pentagon handles Freedom of [...]

I Was There

By Danny Lewis Where were you when three provisions of the “Patriot” Act expired? On Sunday, May 31, approximately sixty liberty lovers showed up to the United States Capitol with red “Stand With Rand” t-shirts to silently protest [...]